Important: The EU Mobility Package changes have come into force

Important: The EU Mobility Package changes have come into force

With the start of February the new EU Mobility Package changes are also slowly coming into force. One of the most important new rules is the mandatory registering of border crossings via the tachographa. This provision has come into effect starting from February, hence all drivers must not forget to register information about them entering or leaving an EU country.

The new and modern tachograph versions, that will become obligatory for all newly registrated vehicles starting from August 21st, have the ability to register this information automatically with the help of the GPS devices. However, the older tachographs are unable to register information on border crossing automatically, hence, the drivers will have to do it themselves in a manual way. To register this information, open the menu of your tachograph and enter “Driver 1”. Then, choose the option “Select Country” and having done that, type the code of the country whose territory you just entered. The list of country codes can be found on the official EU website:

Although the new provision has come into force in all EU territory, some member states will view the rule violations in a more lenient manner. The Danish Transport Authority has announced that all rule breaches of the Mobility Package, including the one regarding tachographs and border crossing registering, will not be punished for 3 more months, i.e., until May 1st. Simultaneously, the Dutch Road Transport Inspectorate claims that it will be viewing the rule violations in a pragmatic manner. While this does not mean that the rule breaches will go unpunished, it is likely that the Dutch police will view them in a lenient way.

As the changes of the EU Mobility Package come into force, it’s important to remember that some new rules are also coming into effect this year. The list of the most important changes can be found here:
