New traffic restrictions on the Vilvoorde viaduct in Belgium

New traffic restrictions on the Vilvoorde viaduct in Belgium

Major reconstruction work has started on the Vilvoorde viaduct in the Belgian capital of Brussels. Extensive welding work is being carried out on the 30 metre high, 1,700 metre long structure. Given that this work can be easily affected by vibrations caused by vehicles which can damage the reconstruction process, traffic restrictions have been implemented in the area.

The reconstruction works on the Vilvoorde viaduct in Brussels started this August. Vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tonnes and travelling in the direction of Zaventem are no longer be able to use the viaduct on weekends, from 23:00 every Friday until 04:00 every Monday. Other vehicles are now restricted to one-lane traffic on weekends and new speed limits have been introduced. 

From now on, the 6-Coningsloe-Vilvoorde junction will also be closed to all vehicles on weekends. All these restrictions will continue until 1 December, 2025. No traffic restrictions will apply to vehicles travelling towards Ghent. In 2026, new reconstruction phases will start on the viaduct and should last until summer 2031.

Noile restricții de trafic pe viaductul Vilvoorde din Belgia

Keywords: jobs for drivers, jobs for long-haul drivers, traffic restrictions, road closures